Rubygems Issues For Mac

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to develop, ship, and run applications. Docker lets you quickly assemble applications from components and eliminates the friction that can come when shipping code. Docker lets you get your code tested and deployed into production as fast as possible.

It results in the error message above. This is the case for any gem you try to install on a Mac that has not yet been properly configured for Ruby development. MacOS returns this error because the default location for Ruby gem installations is the system Ruby directory that is preinstalled by Apple. I know it’s a little bit old for 2019 and that I can’t upgrade it to Catalina, but at least the keyboard still works; ) Anyways, I wanted to try GitHub Pages for my portfolio website. May 18, 2014 ruby -ropenssl -e 'p OpenSSL::OPENSSLVERSION' 'OpenSSL 0.9.8y 5 Feb 2013' openssl sclient -showcerts -connect CONNECTED(00000003) depth=1 C = US, O = 'GeoTrust, Inc.' , CN = RapidSSL CA verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate verify return:0 - Certificate chain 0 s:/serialNumber.

Docker for Mac

  • If you try rails new foo to build a new Rails application with RubyGems 1.8.23 and Ruby 1.9.3-p194 you'll get an error because RubyGems now verifies SSL certificates and Bundler tries to connect with when you build a new Rails app and is wrongly configured for SSL connections.
  • Remove RubyGems package manager from Mac. Started by Sam via web. Resolved: 3: 14 Oct, 2018 04:27 PM by kerrizor: Change account email. Started by Siva Manukonda via web. Resolved: 2: 31 May, 2018 12:27 AM by kerrizor: school erps. Started by ditheenan via web. Resolved: 0: 09 May, 2018 11:57 AM by ditheenan: Public data dump download numbers.

Docker for Mac is the current release of Docker for OSX. Requirements:

  • Mac must be 2010 or new model with Intel's hardare support for memory management unit (MMU, virtualization, and Unrestricted mode.
  • OSX El Capital 10.11 and newer releases are supported.
  • Virtualbox prior to version 4.3.30 must NOT be installed. It is incompatiable. Use a newer version.

Install Docker for Mac

Docker for Mac can be downloaded here.

Rubygems Issues For Mac Computers

Docker Toolbox

Docker Toolbox is a legacy desktop solution for older Mac and Windows systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows.

Before you install Docker Toolbox

In order to simplify the installation process you should install homebrew-cask which provides a friendly homebrew-style CLI workflow for the administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries. Refer to this article in order to install homebrew-cask.

Install Docker Toolbox

Use can use cask to install Docker Toolbox which is a collection of useful docker tools such as compose, machine and Kitematic.

Docker Toolbox Quick Start

For quick start find the Docker Quickstart Terminal and double click to launch it. Then you start the hello world container using:

You can find more about docker follow the documentation here.

The listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.

Listen is currently accepting more maintainers. Please read this if you're interested in joining the team.


  • OS-optimized adapters on MRI for Mac OS X 10.6+, Linux, *BSD and Windows, more info below.
  • Detects file modification, addition and removal.
  • You can watch multiple directories.
  • Regexp-patterns for ignoring paths for more accuracy and speed
  • Increased change detection accuracy on OS X HFS and VFAT volumes.
  • Continuous Integration: tested on selected Ruby environments via Github Workflows.

Issues / limitations

  • Limited support for symlinked directories (#279):
    • Symlinks are always followed (#25).
    • Symlinked directories pointing within a watched directory are not supported (#273- see Duplicate directory errors).
  • No directory/adapter-specific configuration options.
  • Support for plugins planned for future.
  • TCP functionality was removed in listen3.0.0 (#319, #218). There are plans to extract this feature to separate gems (#258), until this is finished, you can use by locking the listen gem to version '~> 2.10'.
  • Some filesystems won't work without polling (VM/Vagrant Shared folders, NFS, Samba, sshfs, etc.).
  • Specs suite on JRuby and Rubinius aren't reliable on Travis CI, but should work.
  • Windows and *BSD adapter aren't continuously and automatically tested.
  • OSX adapter has some performance limitations (#342).
  • FreeBSD users need patched version of rb-kqueue (as of 2020/11). See #475 for the issue, mat813/rb-kqueue#12 for the patch, and Bug 250432 in bugzilla.
  • Listeners do not notify across forked processes, if you wish for multiple processes to receive change notifications you must listen inside of each process.

Pull requests or help is very welcome for these.


The simplest way to install listen is to use Bundler.

Complete Example

Here is a complete example of using the listen gem:

Running the above in the background, you can see the callback block being called in response to each command:


Call with one or more directories and the 'changes' callback passed as a block.

Changes Callback

Changes to the listened-to directories are reported by the listener thread in a callback.The callback receives three array parameters: modified, added and removed, in that order.Each of these three is always an array with 0 or more entries.Each array entry is an absolute path.

Pause / unpause / stop

Listeners can also be easily paused/unpaused:

Note: While paused, listen keeps on collecting changes in the background - to clear them, call stop.

Note: You should keep track of all started listeners and stop them properly on finish.

Ignore / ignore!

Listen ignores some directories and extensions by default (See DEFAULT_IGNORED_DIRECTORIES and DEFAULT_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS in Listen::Silencer).You can add ignoring patterns with the ignore option/method or overwrite default with ignore! option/method.

Note: :ignore regexp patterns are evaluated against relative paths.

Note: Ignoring paths does not improve performance, except when Polling (#274).


Listen watches all files (less the ignored ones) by default. If you want to only listen to a specific type of file (i.e., just .rb extension), you should use the only option/method.

Note: :only regexp patterns are evaluated only against relative file paths.


All the following options can be set through the after the directory path(s) params.

Logging and Debugging

Listen logs its activity to Listen.logger.This is the primary method of debugging.

Custom Logger

You can call Listen.logger = to set a custom listen logger for the process. For example:

Default Logger

If no custom logger is set, a default listen logger which logs to to STDERR will be created and assigned to Listen.logger.

The default logger defaults to the error logging level (severity).You can override the logging level by setting the environment variable LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=<level>.For <level>, all standard ::Logger levels are supported, with any mix of upper-/lower-case:

The default of error will be used if an unsupported value is set.

Note: The alternate values 1, 2, true and yes shown above are deprecated and will be removed from listen v4.0.

Disabling Logging

If you want to disable listen logging, set

Listen Adapters

The Listen gem has a set of adapters to notify it when there are changes.

There are 4 OS-specific adapters to support Darwin, Linux, *BSD and Windows.These adapters are fast as they use some system-calls to implement the notifying function.

There is also a polling adapter - although it's much slower than other adapters,it works on every platform/system and scenario (including network filesystems such as VM shared folders).

The Darwin and Linux adapters are dependencies of the listen gem so they work out of the box. For other adapters a specific gem will have to be added to your Gemfile, please read below.

The listen gem will choose the best adapter automatically, if present. If youwant to force the use of the polling adapter, use the :force_polling optionwhile initializing the listener.

On Windows

If you are on Windows, it's recommended to use the wdm adapter instead of polling.

Please add the following to your Gemfile:


If you are on *BSD you can try to use the rb-kqueue adapter instead of polling.

Please add the following to your Gemfile:

Getting the polling fallback message?

Please visit the installation section of the Listen WIKI for more information and options for potential fixes.

Issues and Troubleshooting

If the gem doesn't work as expected, start by setting LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=debug or LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=info as described above in Logging and Debugging.

NOTE: without providing the output after setting the LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=debug environment variable, it is usually impossible to guess why listen is not working as expected.



If listen seems slow or unresponsive, make sure you're not using the Polling adapter (you should see a warning upon startup if you are).

Rubygems Issues For Mac

Also, if the directories you're watching contain many files, make sure you're:

  • not using Polling (ideally)
  • using :ignore and :only options to avoid tracking directories you don't care about (important with Polling and on MacOS)
  • running listen with the :latency and :wait_for_delay options not too small or too big (depends on needs)
  • not watching directories with log files, database files or other frequently changing files
  • not using a version of listen prior to 2.7.7
  • not getting silent crashes within listen (see LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=debug)
  • not running multiple instances of listen in the background
  • using a file system with atime modification disabled (ideally)
  • not using a filesystem with inaccurate file modification times (ideally), e.g. HFS, VFAT
  • not buffering to a slow terminal (e.g. transparency + fancy font + slow gfx card + lots of output)
  • ideally not running a slow encryption stack, e.g. btrfs + ecryptfs

When in doubt, LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=debug can help discover the actual events and time they happened.


See also Tips and Techniques.


  • Documentation hosted at RubyDoc.
  • Source hosted at GitHub.

Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:

  • Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
  • Make sure your patches are well tested. All specs must pass on Travis CI.
  • Update the Yard documentation.
  • Update the README.
  • Please do not change the version number.

For questions please join us in our Google group or on#guard (



  • You must have commit rights to the GitHub repository.
  • You must have push rights for

Questions / Discussion Area - Support

How to release

  1. Run bundle install to make sure that you have all the gems necessary for testing and releasing.
  2. Ensure all tests are passing by running bundle exec rake.
  3. Determine which would be the correct next version number according to semver.
  4. Update the version in ./lib/listen/version.rb.
  5. Update the version in the Install section of ./ (gem 'listen', '~> X.Y').
  6. Commit the version in a single commit, the message should be 'Preparing vX.Y.Z'
  7. Run bundle exec rake release:full; this will tag, push to GitHub, and publish to
  8. Update and publish the release notes on the GitHub releases page if necessary


  • Michael Kessler (netzpirat) for having written the initial specs.
  • Travis Tilley (ttilley) for this awesome work on fssm & rb-fsevent.
  • Natalie Weizenbaum (nex3) for rb-inotify, a thorough inotify wrapper.
  • Mathieu Arnold (mat813) for rb-kqueue, a simple kqueue wrapper.
  • Maher Sallam for wdm, windows support wouldn't exist without him.
  • Yehuda Katz (wycats) for vigilo, that has been a great source of inspiration.


Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil (@thibaudgg)

Rubygems Issues For Mac Catalina
