Word Two Tables Side By Side

How to split table horizontally or vertically in a Word document?

If you have a large table in your Word document, now, you want to split the table horizontally or vertically into two or more tables. How could you solve this task in a Word file?

Split table horizontally into two or more tables in a Word documents

To split one table into two or more tables horizontally, the below methods can do you a favor, please do as this:

One way I do this is to create a 2×1 table and use table properties to make it invisible to give the illusion of 2 columns. However, up until now I have not been able to get side by side tables. The trick is to do a table within a table. Step 1: Create a 2×1 table. Create Two Tables Side by Side (Word 2007) August 8, 2012 Word Tips. Creating a basic table is dead easy. But what if you want to create more than one table and place.

Word Two Tables Side By Side

1. Click a cell in your table where you want to split from, and in the Table Tools tab, click Layout > Split Table, see screenshot:

2. And the table has been split into two tables horizontally as following screenshot shown:

Tables will not show side by side, even if you are not using the plugin. The reason is a table is a block element. Simply said, in the document content flow of a page, a block element will have its own line, for the entire width of the page. All block elements will, therefore, be placed to the next line, by default.



1. To split table to more tables, you just need to repeat the above steps as you need.

2. You can also use an easy shortcut key to split a table into multiple tables, please put the cursor at the cell where you want to split from, and then press Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter keys together to split the table into two parts.

Split table vertically into two or more tables in a Word documents

If you need to split a table into two or more tables vertically, please apply the following steps:

1. Firstly, please put cursor below the target table and press Enter to get at least two paragraph marks. See screenshot:

2. Then select the whole columns that you want to split as a new table, and drag it to the second paragraph mark, the original table has been split to two tables as following screenshot shown:

3. Next, you should click the plus sign on the upper-left of second table to select it. And then, drag and place it on the right side of the first table. See screenshot:

4. Now, you can see, the original table has been split into two tables vertically, you can repeat the above steps to split it into more tables as you need.

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Make Two Tables Side By Side In Word

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    muchisims gracias por tan excelente explicacion.
Alex Kemp
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Two Tables Side By Side In Word 2010

Hello all, just as per the title.The reason I want to do this is so that I can enter information in each table and have the row lines move independently on either side, I don't want them to affect one-another.In essence it will look like one table with two columns and multiple rows, except that all row lines in either column will be able to move without affecting the row lines in the other column; I don't want them to be 'joined' as they would be when using a single table.

Two tables side by side in word 2010Side

I have tried inserting a section with two columns into a writer document, then creating two different single-column tables (one for each section column).However I run into a problem each time when inserting the section:

Microsoft Word Two Tables Side By Side

A) If I leave the 'Evenly distribute contents to all columns' box checked, then when I insert rows into the first section column, they (unsurprisingly) are also added to the second section column, which is not what I want as I want them to operate independently.

B) However if I leave the 'evenly distribute contents to all columns' box unchecked, then I am unable to select the second section to create a different table there.

How do I get around this?


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Word 2019 Two Tables Side By Side

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2020-08-06 22:24:32.836309


Insert a column break to get to the second column.

Word 2016 How To Put Two Tables Side By Side

Ah. Thanks.