Download mod Classic Ghouls Replacer v1.0 for Fallout 4 game.
This is my latest project, Its a full new ghoul remake for Fallout 4 in the style of Fallout 3. This is a completely new model and sculpt made from scratch, it comes with custom facial morphs for facial animation with faceBones for customisation ingame. I also featured my wasteland outfit i made a while back on here to since I feel it goes really well with this, a ton of work went into sculpting and texturing this and getting the otherall shape and anatomy right and it payed off.
I really wanted this to be decent mile stone in my journey as a artist, I originally thought this was impossible to get working outside of CW but with a hell of a lot of help from my friend HcG x Grill we managed between us to get it working, not flawlessly but at a usable level. I will say that there is a lot behind the seens stuff that goes one which may cause bugs since this isnt a retexture its a full new model so the body mesh is completely different from vanilla so we had to do some stuff to get it to show the ghoul body on outfits rather then the vanilla. I mean there was probably a easier way around it but i wanted the challege and to create something unique that i can call my own and not just a body retexture.
To be able to pull this off we had to do a lot of work in the CK, basically we had to manually edit every outfit in the game without touching the NIFs, so we basically had to find a way to cull out the existing arms and put the new ones in place. So not to go into detail I had to make some separate pieces we equip to the ghoul depending on the outfit using keywords and for compatibillity with other outfits these keywords will need to be added in a patch. Any mod authors wanting to do this id be happy to help.
The Fallout 4 version of the Feral Ghoul. Feral Ghouls have located in a great deal more locations across the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. They are located in most abandoned buildings across the whole wasteland, not just irradiated areas. They can simply appear from places they wouldn't be expected to dwell, such as cracks in walls and beneath. Aug 02, 2019 File credits. Mad props are due to all of the original texture artists whose work I took and did terrible things to in Photoshop. It bears noting that as these textures started life all over the place and were probably never intended to be used for bombed-out roadways, coastal cliffs, forest groundcover, etc. They might look a little wonky- and that is 190% my own personal fault for doing a.
- Replaces all vanilla non-feral ghouls with the classic style from 3 and NV
- Full Dismemberment

- Hand sculpted details
- Completely new mesh and race to avoid conflicts
- Custom facial animations (.tri)
- Fallout 3 style underwear
- Redone custom faces for NPCS
Fallout 4 Feral Ghoul Retexture
- New Glowing ghoul for Oswald the Outrageous
Changing Outfits on a Generic Ghoul Settler causes their arms/legs to show the human texture. This issue fixes itself when you fast travel away.
Feral Ghouls Fallout 4